The player’s next destination is Starhelm City, a dark and gloomy business district that reeks of rotten fish and sewerage. The city is chock-full of greedy merchants, mercenaries, assassins, and lowlives ready to sell their families for coin. If you're in the city, you're either trouble or in one.
Starhelm was once a shining icon for peace. It was dubbed the capital of Light before the War of Roses took place 15 years ago. Starhelm has now become an empty husk of a city, a lawless arena ruled by thugs for thugs.
Once the player enters the city gates, a shady merchant initiates a dialogue:
Oi there traveler, ya look like ya could use an extra coin or two
a) What do you have in mind?
b) Nah, I'm good
- What do you have in mind?
I need yer 'elp fetching somethin'. I'll reward ya handsomely for it. Dun worry, ya won't get yer hands dirty. Just a simple trip to Greenrive', yeah?
a) Tell me more
b) I don't have time for this
Tell me more
Ya see, my dad was a mischievous little bugga back in the day. He'd steal shiet just for kicks. He was damn good at it, too. One time, he stole a sword from Warhandol, a legendary blacksmith known to infuse a bit of gold in his weapons. Armor, too.
Anyway, mate, the old man asked me to pick up the sword from the family's cottage in Greenrive’, just north of here. You'll go in, get the sword, come back. Easy job, rewarding one, too. Eh, dun worry, I'll give ya the keys to the house. I'd have gone there myself, but I can't leave Starhelm 'cause of my shop. Y'know, business comes first and all that.
I'll give ya 150 coins if yer up for it.
a) I'll get you your sword [start quest]
b) 150 is a bit too low… [haggle]
c) I'm busy with other things [leave]
I'll get you your sword // QUEST STARTS: Family Ties
The player finds the cottage in the middle of Greenriver, unlocks it using the merchant’s key, and enters.
The player finds a bedroom right in front of the door. A sick old man lies in bed coughing and wheezing next to an old woman holding his hand and reading him a book.
If the player chooses to confront the couple with their weapons drawn, the old man will die of a heart attack, and the woman will start attacking the player.
EASTER EGG: The old woman does no damage to the player and will die of exhaustion 1 minute after her husband dies, unlocking a special achievement.
Achievement: I didn't mean it. I'm sorry.
If the player chooses to interact with the couple with no weapons drawn, both NPCs will beg the player to take anything they want and leave them alone. A dialogue initiates, leaving the player with 3 options:
Calm the NPCs down
Coerce them into giving them the sword
Say nothing at all.
To be continued…